
Showing posts from December, 2024

From the President

Some members don't realise the work we put into the club as we usually go quitely about getting things done. The AGM made me realise that maybe we should tell the members more about what we do behind the scenes. eg Working Bees,etc,etc "The Working Bee volunteers re-turfed the 1st tee,6th tee and 7th tee today to upgrade those areas for the members.                                 A big Thank You to the guys pictured above. Glenn,Dave,Ken,Jeff,Pat,Bruce Peter S,Peter W and Mark.Well done boys ! GB.

Xmas Ham Days

The Xmas Ham days are now locked in and the commitee can confirm that there will be a roast dinner supplied to members on Tuesday the10th December AMand PM, Saturday14th December AM and PM and Pizza on Sunday 15th December lunch time. Please make sure you put your name on the list that will be in the pro shop for catering purposes. There will be a number of hams for the daily winners as well as the normal competition. Members can only win 1 ham but can win a ham one day and a cash prize the next.

Christmas Putting Competition

 There will be a Putting competition on Friday the 13th December straight after the draw You can register at the draw on Friday or in the pro shop next week. There will be a number of prizes with the winn getting a Christmas ham Come along and have a bit of fun you never know you might just take a Ham home.

Pennant Teams

  Members please be aware that the cut of date for the 2025 pennant season is Sunday 15th December If you are interested in playing please contact the Club Captain Peter Crowder on  0434 421 084 The team will be selected strictly on handicap as at the 16th December and team members notified on Monday 16th December. Peter Crowder Club Captain