Urgent Booking Update re Playing in Fours

Important message to all Breakers Mens Golf Club Members 

Attention all members, 

As of this Friday members who are fully vaccinated and have either sent a copy of the certificate to Breakers club or have shown it at the pro shop, will be able to book into playing in groups of four over 18 holes of golf. 

There will be a limited number of tee times for unvaccinated players in groups of 2 in the daily competition

Sunday Mens golf competitions over 18 holes will return to a maximum 54 players with fully vaccinated players being able to book into 11 x 4 person groups. A further 5 x 2 person groups will be allocated for those members who at this stage have received one vaccination or are unvaccinated. 

Tuesday and Saturday Golf competitions over 18 holes will initially cater for 100 players in total and will run morning and afternoon sessions of 50 players with 10 x 4 person groups and 5 x 2 person groups in each session. 

Unless your vaccination certificate has been sighted at the pro shop or sent to Breakers Club by email, you will be unable to book online into the groups of four starting from this coming Friday 24, September. 

All players can book into the 2 person groups by calling the Pro shop after 5pm to book a time slot for Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday

Whilst we appreciate that the reduction in Tee Times comes from members desire to getting back to playing 18 holes this will reduce the number of players getting a game until the vaccination rate increases.

Therefore we ask members take that into consideration when making their weekly bookings

Paul English 
President Breakers Mens Golf Club


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