Men's Golf Club AGM Update

Breakers Mens Golf Club AGM Update

The AGM for the Men’s Golf Club, scheduled for 31 October 2021, has had to be postponed due to the COVID restrictions placed on Breakers Country Club, through the NSW Government Health Order. 

The AGM will be postponed until a date, probably later in November, when the Health Order restrictions may allow gatherings of more than 20 people to be held. Meanwhile Nominations for the Golf Club Committee for 2022 will open shortly. 

Nomination form will be placed in the Pro Shop. Nominations for the position of President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Club Captain and four (4) members of the Committee are to be made in writing by a proposer and seconder, who must be members or Life Members. 

 Such nominations are to be signed by the person nominated consenting to such nomination provided that any such member holding office in another club, having similar objectives, will not be eligible to hold office in the golf Club. 

 Bruce Grant 

 Breakers Golf Club Secretary


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