Shots of the Month

We have decided to start to celebrate members who hit those shots we would all like to hit. 

There hasn't been a lot to talk about over the last couple of months as the course hasn't been at its best but this month a couple of shots stood out

Glen Basari Hole in 1 on the 6th Hole

On  Sunday 5th June Glenn Barsi hit the shot of the day on the 6th that his playing partners Brian Kelly, Eric Walker and Colin Coote thought went close but there were cheers all round when the ball was in the hole - Well done Glen shame I wasn'[t in the bar for that drink

Pat Bone got the Eagles Nest ( 24 Balls)

On  Tuesday the 7th June Pat Bone hit a ball to 55cm to win the Eagles Nest and 24 balls.

Considering the pin was up the back of the green it took a great shot Pat to get that close 

if you have any stories about you'r playing partners that you think the other members would like to know about send me a text on 0418822336.


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