101 Club

Over the past years older members who were over 75 and had a handicap over 30 had certain advantages on the course during competitions

On Tuesday the Match Committee decided to create a new Tuesday competition for older members to even out the gradings as presently 55-60% of members playing Tuesday have a handicap greater than 26

After discussion the Match Committee have reduced the old 105 handicapping system and created a new 101 club and this will be a separate division on Tuesdays only starting on Tuesday 6th June with the following criteria:
Members have to be at least 75 years old and have a minimum handicap over 26 or higher
Members playing in the 101 division will tee off from the following tees
* The White tees both times on the 7th/16,
* The Yellows on the 8th/17th
* The Blues on the 9th/18th

The reason we cant start it straight away is there needs to be a few changes to the back end of our booking system and we need to make sure its right however members who qualify can take the tee advantages straight away

This hopefully will not only assist these members but speed up play

If anyone is questioning their eligibility please contact anyone on the committee


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