Trivia Night For Prostate Cancer

Breakers Mens Golf Club Supporting

I think it is fair to say, most of us know someone who has been affected by Prostate Cancer.

The Men’s Golf Club are holding a fundraiser to support Prostate Cancer Research, so why not get a team of 6 together and test your knowledge of sport and support this needy cause

There will be hundreds of dollars of prizes. chipping and putting comps - a great fun night.

We would appreciate your support.
Only $100 to Sponsor a table of 6
Individuals $20, Let Peter know you have a ticket and we will find you a team.

Tickets available from the reception
Any enquiries contact Peter Crowder on 0434421084

Also on Saturday Night
A Calcutta will be held on the Axeman Cup where you can bid for the Winner and win the $$$$
Prostate Cancer Research will benefit from Monies raised from the Axeman Cup and the Trivia Night

SUN 13TH – Final of the AXEMAN Cup Sponsored by  Habitat Tree Works


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