AGM Notice to Members ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Breakers Men’s Golf Club will be held in the Breakers Auditorium SUNDAY, 10 NOVEMBER 2024 COMMENCING AT OR ABOUT 12.30PM. AGENDA 1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting of the Breakers Men’s Golf club, held on 12 November 2023. 2. To receive, consider and, if thought fit adopt the Presidents Report. 3. To receive, consider and, if thought fit adopt the Treasurers report. 4. To receive, consider and, if thought fit, adopt the Annual Report Balance sheet. 5. To receive, consider and, if thought fit, adopt the Captains Report. 6. To receive, consider and, if thought fit, adopt the following resolutions in regard to benefits, afforded to members of the Golf Committee; (a) The reasonable costs of light refreshments and drinks at the last Committee Meetings, prior to the AGM and Christmas. (b) Committee Members to book themselves and their playin...